Supplyve Team

Handwritten Invoices... No Issue

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Key Takeaways

Since day 1 Supplyve has been about helping local and small businesses.

After all small business is the embodiment of human initiative, freedom, independence and innovation.

One of our newest product offerings enables that.

Many independent retailers today work with small suppliers that provide products with handwritten invoices. This of course meant that digitizing the invoice and centralizing invoices was never really possible. Going fully paperless was never really possible for independent retailers.

That has just changed.

Supplyve has recently added the ability to snap photos of handwritten invoices, digitize them, and store them.

This new feature makes accounts payable easier than ever. Instead of having to keep track of a stack of paper invoices - Supplyve enables you to mark these invoice as paid, view them for later in case there are questions, and track how much needs to be paid.

We are very excited about this feature because it widens Supplyve's ability to help small businesses.  Smaller suppliers become easier to to work with as a result, and everyone along the supply chain has a better accounts payable and receivable experience.

We love small business and see this as an enormous step forward to enabling their success and by extension a stronger more independent and freer world.

Ready to save some time on manual tasks?
You didn't get into this business to do boring data tasks.

That probably sounds obvious. But stores can put so much effort into crafting world-busting menus and items, that they forget the soul-crushing, manual upkeep involved in tracking their finances or updating their point of sale. We'll do the boring work for you.

Ready to try a better way? Book a demo with us to see if we can help.
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Save 80% on manual tasks you're doing anyway

Turn paper & PDF invoices into data you can upload directly to your POS